Subject Overview
Aims and objectives:
The teaching of Oracy at Dairy Meadow is to enable our children to have the skills, confidence and opportunities to express themselves clearly, with structured ideas, in a logical thought progression. The purpose of this is to prepare our youngsters for a world that is centred around speaking, listening and reacting.
Teaching and Learning:
Oracy is a thread that will permeate the Dairy Meadow Curriculum regardless of the subject taught. Teachers will be actively building in a range of activities that give children the chance to think, discuss and express to each other and their adults as well as the wider school community. There will be a focus on the expression, appropriate language and register culminating in a celebration of student voice at all levels. This works hand in hand with our pledge to ensure that our children’s voices are heard and views taken into consideration (pupil voice and school council).
Additional Support:
Considering the demographic of our school community many of our stakeholders may not have English as a first language or sufficient fluency to engage instantly. We will tackle this by promoting use of home languages in talk tasks and scaffolded classroom buddies. The use of quality first teaching methods (scaffolding, modelling, sentence starters, colourful semantics etc) will enable children to overcome the initial language barrier and allow children to practice their speaking skills.
Verbal feedback forms the benchmark of assessment in all subjects. Giving children the skills to critique, build on and question each other will only hone their skills of self-analysis and reflection. We will look into creating a matrix of progression for Oracy skills that teachers can refer to when supporting children in developing spoken confidence.
Staff Development:
We have already had an INSET based around Oracy (9/9/21). The implications for this will be physically going into classrooms to see what opportunities for talk are being embedded. When Dairy Meadow is ready to put on Oracy events – guidance will be given by the Oracy lead. Assistant Head will offer the chance to model strategies for members of staff that require it. AHT and Oracy lead to model talk games for staff who are reluctant to relinquish control.
Monitoring and Evaluating:
Oracy lead will take the time to talk to students about the opportunities for speaking and presenting within the classroom.
Enrichment Opportunities:
Performance artists to come in for the whole school (storyteller/rappers). There will also a week each term devoted to a particular strand of Oracy e.g debate week.
Skills Builder Links: