Dairy Meadow Primary and Nursery School

Pupil Voice


Spring 2022 - What's the point in Computing?

I get to practice my coding skills to make sprites move.


Everything in the world uses computers - my sister works for an animation company and they use some of the skills that we do.


I can link my learning in Purple Mash and Minecraft by using commands.


Autumn 2021

I've learned how to stay safe online. By remembering online safety work from other years it has stayed in my memory.

EK - When asked how previous skills have helped their ICT learning. 


I know I have done well in a lesson when I can confidently use a new skill. The dream is to start an online business so having knowledge of coding and short cuts can only help. 

HS - When asked when they know they have been successful in a lesson. 

My teacher helps me by showing me how to logon to Purple Mash. I can now logon as my typing has got better.

IS - When asked how an adult supports their learning.