Speech and Language Workshops for Parents
Ealing Speech and Language Therapy have launched a series of free workshop for parents that can be accessed over Zoom.
Please use the sub menu below to look for any workshop that you think may be suitable for you or your child. They are free to attend and can be accessed through a QR code or an email.
Early Start Workshops - for EYFS children.
early start workshops and groups spring term 2025.pdf
parent carer makaton sign time group.pdf
Social Stories.
parentcarer an introduction to social stories.pdf
Fun and Learn Group.
parentcarer fun and learn group.pdf
Secondary School Support.
parentcarer secondary school supporting friendships and school learning.pdf
Children Who Speak at Home but Not in School.
parentcarer supporting children who speak at home but not at school .pdf
Support With Friendships.
parentcarer supporting your child with friendships .pdf
Talk and Play Group.
parentcarer talk and play group.pdf
Pronounciation of Speech Sounds.
parentcarer the pronunciation of speech sounds.pdf
Understanding Behaviours and Emotions.
parentcarer understanding behaviours and managing emotions.pdf
Using Visuals at Home.
parentcarer using visuals at home to support communication.pdf