Dairy Meadow Primary and Nursery School

Jumpsec visit Years 5 and 6.

Friday the 22nd September 2023 saw Dairy Meadow hold our first careers event of the academic year. As you know, we want all our young people to dream big but they can only do that if they are exposed to the world of work from an early age. Mr Feldman put on his thinking cap and pondered - "what industry are all our children fascinated in?" - and the answer popped into his head, "of course! computers!".

In a world where everything is becoming digital and more of our future computer scientists are spending time online - it's never been more important to understand the risks. Thankfully we had Matt, Lucy, Chris and Carl from the cyber security firm Jumpsec to come in and explain the fascinating roles they complete to make sure that some of the worlds biggest brands are safe from hackers, malware and general naughty people online.

Our future digital nomads were able to quiz Lucy and Matt about their roles as company directors - discussing the core value and skills needed to build a successful (and yes, profitable!) company. They also were fascinated by the roles that Chris and Carl played in the roles of not only cyber defence, but also cyber attack.

We can't thank the guys from Jumpsec enough for taking time out of their busy schedules. Big Dairy Meadow love must also go to Cllr Steven Donnelly and his team who came to visit and Karmveer from Ealing Council who helped to organise. We really hope that our children can view cybersecurity as a viable option for future careers. 
