Dairy Meadow Primary and Nursery School

History Book List

The following documents are suggested books that you might want to explore with your children to support their development of knowledge and skills in History. They are organised by year group and topic, they can be purchased from Amazon and Waterstones by clicking on the appropriate link. All of these titles have been approved and suggested by our curriculum partner, Cornerstones Maestro. Please note that any missing terms mean a topic with a Geography driver is taught.

Year 1:

Autumn - Childhood

Summer - School Days

Year 2:

Autumn - Movers and Shakers

Summer - Magnificent Monarchs

Year 3:

Autumn - Through the Ages

Summer - Emperors and Empires

Year 4:

Autumn - Invasion

Summer - Ancient Civilisations

Year 5:

Autumn - Dynamic Dynasties

Summer - Groundbreaking Greeks

Year 6:

Autumn - Maafa

Summer - Britain at War