Dairy Meadow Primary and Nursery School

Design and Technology Book List

The following documents are suggested books that you might want to explore with your children to support their development of knowledge and skills in Design and Technology. They are organised by year group and topic, they can be purchased from Amazon and Waterstones by clicking on the appropriate link. All of these titles have been approved and suggested by our curriculum partner, Cornerstones Maestro.


Year 1: 

Autumn - Shade and Shelter

Spring - Taxi

Summer - Chop, Slice and Mash

Year 2:

Autumn - Remarkable Recipes

Spring - Cut, Stitch, Join

Summer - Push and Pull

Year 3:

Autumn - Cook Well, Eatwell

Spring - Making it Move

Summer - Greenhouse

Year 4:

Autumn - Fresh Food, Good Food

Spring - Functional and Fancy Fabrics

Year 5:

 Autumn - Moving Mechanisms

Spring - Eat the Seasons

Summer - Architecture

Year 6:

Autumn - Food for Life

Spring - Engineer

Make Do and Mend