Hello! My name is Mrs Cheung and I am proud to be the Phonics Lead here at Dairy Meadow.
Why I enjoy my subject area of responsibility:
Phonics is so important as it develops the children's understanding of letter-sound relationships. This allows children to begin to read and write independently. We start teaching phonics to the children in nursery and they continue to develop these skills each year up to year 2. We follow Ruth Miskins scheme called ‘Read Write Inc’ and assess the children each half term. It is wonderful to see our children not only making fantastic progress in regard to reading and writing but also how much they enjoy the process.
What I want to achieve in my subject area:
I want to ensure our children are provided with all the skills needed to enable them to be confident in their ability to read and write independently.
Things to look forward to:
I am looking forward to seeing the progress our pupils will make by the end of the academic year. I am also looking forward to seeing our year 2 pupils coming off the phonics program and starting guided reading.