Dairy Meadow Primary and Nursery School

Personal Social Health Economic

Hello and welcome to Dairy Meadow’s PSHE page. My name is Mrs Sahota, and I am the PSHE Champion for our school.

Why I enjoy my area of subject responsibility:

At Dairy Meadow we collaborate with our children to help them strengthen their knowledge and skills in becoming socially aware individuals, who can reflect on their personal development and understand the importance of keeping their young minds and bodies healthy. We all love teaching our children how healthy bodies will create healthy minds! We ensure our children are proud of who they are, where they come from and build aspirations for their future lives. This Dairy Meadow ethos is a shared responsibility which is delivered by all members of staff, who thrive in creating respectful, caring, and trusting relationships with all the pupils at our school!

What I want to achieve in my subject area:

Smashing stereotypes and embracing cultural capital is ribboned within every learning opportunity at Dairy Meadow. Giving every child the chance to feel more connected to their culture and developing a strong sense of identity underpins our PSHE education. Through the delivery of the PSHE curriculum and wider school activities our children learn how to respect themselves and others, and they understand the importance of responsible actions and behaviours. They learn about their rights and how to be responsible citizens and how to become productive members of a diverse Southall community. Creating links and imbricating with other subject areas is a norm at Dairy Meadow, so children learn about internet safety and harms, including negative impacts on physical and mental health, cyberbullying and how to keep themselves safe and where to get help with issues online.

Things to look forward to:

This academic year we look forward to collaborating with The Red Cross, who will teach our Year Six children how to keep themselves safe with hands-on First Aid training. HSBC have offered their services to improve our children’s understanding of economic education. A series of workshops for children from Nursery to Year Six will improve the children’s understanding of the value of money and the importance it plays in their lives now and as adults. Dairy Meadow will be celebrating annual events such as Black History Month – ‘Black Resistance’, Road Safety week – ‘Be a Road Safety Hero’, Anti-bullying week – ‘Make a Noise About Bullying’. As well as many amazing cross-curricular whole  school competitions!