Hello! My name is Mrs Ali and I am the History champion here at Dairy Meadow Primary School.
Why I enjoy my area of subject responsibility:
History has always captured my attention from a young age. I have always been curious about how the world works, how the past has shaped society and why cultures develop differently. When I hear of conflict between countries, I wonder how past events have affected the relations between them and what has caused them to act in such ways. When I see a new invention I wonder what from the past inspired this new invention. Also learning about how societies have evolved and what has influenced their traditions and way of life fascinates me. An understanding of History is vital to progress in the future and this is one of the main reasons for my love of learning and teaching history.
‘Life must be lived forwards, but can only be understood backwards.’ Søren Kierkegaard
What I want to achieve in my subject area:
What I would like to achieve as history champion is for children to develop a love and interest in learning about history especially since we live in a country with a long and illustrious history itself. Children should start to make connections between the way the world is now, how the past events helped to shape it and where it may be headed in the future. We cannot be prepared for what is to come if we don’t recognise and learn from the past. As our children are the next generation and the future, they need to understand what has happened in the past, learn from it and then adapt it to make the best future for them.
Things to look forward to:
In the summer term, children will be given the chance to take part in a history workshop about their topic. These workshops are hands on where they will be able to see some of the items that were special to that time, take part in drama activities and immerse themselves into the topic.