Dairy Meadow Primary and Nursery School


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Why I enjoy my area of subject responsibility:

As a young child, I was fascinated by movies such as ‘The Last Starfighter’ and ‘The Flight of the Navigator’. I was amazed by the technologies that were presented by the movie makers. Technologies that were at the time seen as ‘out of this world’. Now, through my responsibility as a Computing Champion I relish creating opportunities for the children at this school, which help them experience and learn about past, present, and future technological advances.

What I want to achieve in my subject area:

Technology can be daunting for both adults and children. Through my role as Computing Champion my main aim is to help the school community feel confident and safe when using a variety of information technologies. IT forms a fundamental part of our lives from childhood through to adulthood. My ethos is for children at Dairy Meadow to carry out and experience an abundance of computing activities, which will build solid foundations for their future lives.

Things to look forward to:

Every term year 6 children are given the opportunity to become Computing Ambassadors. Their role is to mentor younger children during a lunchtime Computing club and create and present termly Computing competitions during assemblies. During the summer term, Key stage 2 children will have the opportunity to take part in a ‘Robotics’ workshop. At Dairy Meadow, the progress of the school community is fundamental, therefore they will be invited to more workshops, where they will be able to navigate the school’s computing programs: Purple Mash, Bug Club, Microsoft Teams, Maths.Co.UK., TT Rockstars. These workshops will enable parents to delve into and understand the school’s computing journey.