Biodiversity in the Dairy Meadow
You can't be called Dairy Meadow Primary and Nursery without being proud of your local environment! Here we are always looking for ways to uphold the green credentials and promote the wildlife that is in our local community.
Take a long walk down the Grand Union Canal, head out to Tentelow Woods or pick your way through Wolf Fields allotments and you are bound to see some amazing (and surprising wildlife). The slides below will explain further about how we can best support this phenomenal biodiversity.
Please note that all the images below have been supplied by the Ealing Wildlife Group through Natasha Gavin. If there is any infringement please contact Mr Feldman at Dairy Meadow to have the items removed.
ealing beasts and biodiversity 1 .pdf
If you wish to listen to any of Natasha's talks online, please click on the links below.